Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Energy Storage – Facing the Challenge in Zero Carbon Emissions in the New Era

Achieving net-zero carbon emissions has become a global consensus, and green energy is the next wave of industrial revolution. Solar energy, wind energy, and energy storage are the three pillars of the green energy supply chain, together emerging in the new era of renewable energy.

Lincotec's sputtering equipment can produce various coatings for green energy and industrial applications, contributing to the preservation of the Earth's ecological environment.

Roll-to-Roll Thin Film Sputtering Solutions

Roll-to-roll vacuum sputtering equipment processes continuous coating of flexible substrate materials in roll form using techniques like PVD or CVD. With plasma surface pretreatment, adaptation of various process parameters like gases, temperature, power, and time, uniform and high-adhesion film layers are formed.
Lincotec possesses advanced, oil-free, low-energy, high-vacuum systems, employing high-efficiency, high-density plasma sources to meet the diverse needs of different substrate materials. In addition, high-efficiency rotary cathodes and special substrate cooling modules enable high-throughput and stable production of ultra-thin flexible substrates with excellent coating capabilities.
